What an excellent question! Your coach will give you the skinny on how they entered the professional proofreading scene and give you valuable advice on how you can embark on YOUR proofing journey.
Yes, there is a difference. One of our proofing coaches can explain during your private consult.
Proofing legal documents and transcripts is done by various methods. All will get the job done, just in different ways. A more thorough discussion will take a little time, and your proofing coach will be happy to explain all methods in detail.
Proofing entails more than just checking for grammar, syntax, or punctuation. Equally important is reading for context, clarity, and consistency. For example, a general "rule of thumb" for most depositions is an average of 50 pages per clock hour unless the file is peppered with an unusual amount of mistakes. Every time a proofer stops to mark errors, the process is slowed, resulting in less money per clock hour. Extremely dense material, margin-to-margin words on each page, also results in slower proofreading. Therefore, some proofing jobs go much faster than others.
The answer to this question is that there is no true answer to this question. So many factors and variables go into this equation, and your proofing coach can delve with you into this subject during your confidential session. Generally speaking, while proofreading is an extremely valuable service, the pay is at the lower end of the spectrum, unfortunately, and this trend will likely continue. So do not expect to make a large income from proofing, regardless of statements you may have seen advertised.
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